Our People

Terry van Kalken - Director

Terry graduated from the University of Adelaide (Australia) in 1979 and gained an MSc in Computational Hydraulics at IHE, Delft (Netherlands) in 1988. He has over 30 years’ experience covering a wide range of hydraulic engineering, water resource and coastal/maritime projects. His specialist expertise includes hydrological and hydraulic modelling for flooding, drainage and river basin management studies, decision support and warning systems with applications to climate change impact assessments and adaption strategies. 

Prior to establishing WaterConsult International, Terry worked for 30 years for DHI (formerly Danish Hydraulic Institute). He was the founding Managing Director of DHI New Zealand from 2004-2009, Technical Director of DHI Australia (2009-2014), and most recently managed the water resources operations for DHI in Malaysia and Brunei. 

His early long term assignments included flood mitigation and water quality studies in Sri Lanka and national scale hydrological and hydraulic model developments in Bangladesh. Shorter term assignments followed in Asia, Central and South America, Africa, UK and Europe, focussed on flood management, forecasting and early warning systems. 

Terry was Project Manager for the award winning Murrumbidgee Computer Aided River Management Project (CARM) and also led the model development team. Most recently Terry has been engaged in the development of the national river basin management decision support system (NAWABS) for the Malaysian Government, and continues to provide management and advisory support to the project.